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Carthage & Asheboro Protective Orders Attorneys

Protecting Your Rights: Understanding Protective Orders

North Carolina Domestic Violence Lawyers

Domestic violence can destroy a family. It is an unfortunate reality that it exists, but there are legal remedies under North Carolina law pursuant to N.C.G.S. Sec. 50B et. seq., that can give victims significant legal protections. We have extensive experience representing both plaintiffs seeking such protection and defendants who dispute the validity of such a claim. A Domestic Violence Order involves serious legal issues for both the plaintiff and the defendant, and having legal representation to protect your rights is essential.

Domestic violence is a serious matter, and you can trust the lawyers and the firm of Rowland & Yauger to handle your situation with competence and compassion. We will work with you to help you through this difficult situation whether you are the victim or the defendant in an action, and work with you to determine the best course of action for your particular case.

Protect your rights. To schedule a free consultation with an attorney call toll free 910-621-2991 for our Carthage office or 336-537-5547  for our Asheboro office.

Protective Orders and Domestic Violence

Protective orders, commonly known as restraining orders, are put in place to protect people who are fearful of being harmed, usually by a relative or significant other. These are most commonly the result of threatened or past domestic violence.

Domestic violence can be physical or emotional. Cases involving domestic violence can be very complex, making it extremely important to have the help of a knowledgeable attorney with experience in both criminal and family law.

If you have questions, we can provide the answers. To contact our Carthage offices, call 910-621-2991. To contact our Asheboro offices, call 336-537-5547. Our professional staff can help you schedule a consultation to get started today.